Centennial High School Track & Stadium Improvements

Complex grading work at the ends of the football field and around the perimeter of the track.

Winspear was contracted in June 2017 to improve the track of Centennial High School in Boise, Idaho. This project included removal of existing drainage structures, construction of two large seepage beds (60’ x 10’ x 10’), sand and grease traps, and catch basins. We installed two drywells that were 12 feet deep and include construction of a 120 French drain. The job also included some complex grading work at the ends of the football field and around the perimeter of the track.

The biggest challenge experienced on this project was accessing the zones on either end of the football field without damaging the asphalt track. In order to avoid damage, we installed crane mat bridges that helped to spread the wait of our heavy construction equipment. Another challenge that we had to overcome was all of the existing utilities that had been installed by previous contractors and boosters without accurate builds. Locates were not available because it did not fall in their jurisdiction so we were forced to do a lot of potholing.

Completed August 2017


Role: Subcontractor
